very nice cooked with a wee slab of butter: very mushroomy, pungent and a little bitter, like a very strong flavored portabella?
Lepiota rachodes i.d. details
gills: unnattached
cap a little like (edible) shag carpet, with a gorgeous brown aereola /pupil in the center.
stalk w/an annulus (ring) that is substantial but can be carefully slid up and down.
when the stalk of a young-middle aged Lep. rach. 'shroom is cut it goes through a lovely color change process: from rusty orange to blood orange to brick red to brown.
glorious white spore print!
there's a bulb at the base of the stalk (but not a volva/sac)
the common look alikes don't grow around here. one is the parasol mushroom of the eastern u.s., also edible and choice; the other is the green spored parasol of so-cal and tropics/subtropics (poisonous!)
tonight: mushroom pie??